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Crystal Light’s Missing Online Strategy

Posted by Team UT on December 29th, 2009   Advertising, Interactive

Like many we read the recent article in the NYT outlining a new ad campaign for Kraft Foods’ “Crystal Light” brand – “Giving Water a Powdered, Flavored Spin“. It triggered us to check out their online presence, and after doing so it’s hard to make any sense of it.

Crystal Light Online Touch Points:
The Crystal Light brand website is consistent with the print ad graphics – and unfortunately also the print ad’s “static” nature. The site includes six interaction points:

  • “Varities” accounts for 4 of the interactions showcasing flavor packaging and descriptions in a templated area
  • “Refreshment” links out you to show you all of Kraft’s CL’s drink options.
  • “Shop Now” links out to Amazon.com for purchase of the product online.

The brand has no social media activation that we found on Twitter or Facebook. Interestingly enough though, the extension line “Crystal Light Pops” does have an active account on both channels. Their brand website, although leaving much to be desired, also includes a link back to the Crytal Light brand site.

The Opportunity:
Couple of obvious options come to mind:

  • Activate the Twitter and Facebook channels in much the same way the exention line product has – including the promotional giveaways, and actively market the channels on the main brand site.
  • Activate the new campaign theme on the brand site and call for testimonials from consumers on how CL has helped “water your body” (allow video submissions as well).
  • Include all the stats/figures on how drinking more water does indeed help the body (possibly include an ongoing blog).
  • Include the television spots (even behind the scenes making of it).
  • Publicize the People mag buy, offer an email sign-up for more info on how water (ie CL) helps your body – and of course CL sale promos.
  • Include an iPhone app related to the water theme – how much it helps your body along with a quasi hydration measurement tool; and tie it to site registration and added info on the main site.
  • Internally produce a content calendar so the site has regular updates and you give users a reason to come back.
  • Update the Crystal Light Pops extension brand site, because in its current state it is very outdated (design & content offerings) and reflects badly on the overall “Crystal Light” brand.

The list above is certainly not exhaustive, especially considering we’ve now taken just 25 minutes in writing this entry – so there a lot of other options to activate the Crystal Light brand online.

The article noted that $46 million was spent on advertising in 2008, $40 million was spent during the first nine months of 2009, and they have pledged to spend “significantly more” in 2010 – a smart choice would be to include some of that spending in online marketing.

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