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MLB Crown Jewel Ballparks Online

Posted by Team UT on May 7th, 2010   Interactive, Sports Marketing

Ask just about any baseball fan what the crown jewel parks in MLB are, and chances are over 90% will say one or all of the following: Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, Yankee Stadium. These parks are true cathederals of baseball, but unfortunately they aren’t showcased that way online – not even close.

Living in Chicago we started with Wrigley Field by searching on WrigleyField.com, and were taken to a templated section inside the Cubs website. Next we tried searching on FenwayPark.com, and again were taken to a templated page inside the Red Sox website. Continuing on surely we thought the Yankees would have a little more pride in the “House That Ruth Built” – suprisingly the club doesn’t even own YankeeStadium.com, and again we found the “official” presence as a templated section inside the team website.

It’s bad enough that the clubs (or MLB) don’t feel these parks deserve a unique online presence, but at least give them a different feel within the team sites. Below we have the snaps from each site – brutal. Also notice the dad and his young son sure do get to a lot of parks…c’mon these pieces of baseball lore deserve better than that.

We agree some mention of the parks should definitely be included on the main team websites, but each should also have their own stand-alone presence. There is too much history, too much culture, too much fan interest, too much life to each of these landmarks. If nothing else you would think someone at one of the teams would see the opportunity to stand out from the MLB template format and get creative. It’s not the perfect solution but look no further than the new Cowboy Stadium example below – they also keep it within the main team site, but at least they give it a unique look and feel:

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