UT NEWS & Updates

Missouri St. WBB – Design Services

Posted by Team UT on June 17th, 2022   Project Profiles, UnCommon News

276203089_10159723938679454_5645586736804276056_n2Team UT is proud to be working with the Missouri St. WBB Program on a recruiting package.





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Georgia St. MBB – Design Services

Posted by Team UT on May 20th, 2022   #SMSports, Project Profiles, UnCommon News

GS-1Team UT is proud to be working with the Georgia St. MBB Program on a recruiting package.




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Saint Mary’s – Recruiting

Posted by Team UT on March 21st, 2022   #SMSports, Project Profiles, UnCommon News

SX4wgJ6L_160x160Team UT is proud to be working with the Saint Mary’s MBB Program on a recruiting package.





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Niagara Hockey – Graphics Package

Posted by Team UT on February 22nd, 2022   #SMSports, Project Profiles, UnCommon News

NH160Team UT is proud to be working with the Niagara Hockey Program on a graphics package.





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Holiday Hoopsgiving – Graphics Package

Posted by Team UT on January 24th, 2022   Design, Project Profiles, UnCommon News

HH2021bTeam UT delivered a full graphics package for the 2021 Holiday Hoopsgiving event.





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2021 Recap

Posted by Team UT on January 1st, 2022   #SMSports, Design, UnCommon News

ut160x160During another challenging year for all involved, Team UT is honored to continually work with such great partners.




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