Yesterday John Hancock Financial announced it was launching a Twitter account (JFHS_Boston26) to support/celebrate this year’s race marking their 25th year as the principal sponsor. In this post we take a quick look at what can be done to enhance their effort.
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As a follow-up to our post from last May about the importance of properly branding your Twitter background “Twitter Backgrounds – Advertising Billboard” – in this post we’ll showcase some of the designs we’ve completed over the last year.
Like many we read the recent article in the NYT outlining a new ad campaign for Kraft Foods’ “Crystal Light” brand – “Giving Water a Powdered, Flavored Spin“. It triggered us to check out their online presence, and after doing so it’s hard to make any sense of it.
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It’s hard to call any one person or brand an “expert” in any area of social media at this point because the overall category is still very much at the beginning stages, but if you’re a sports brand and looking for a great example of how to approach a Twitter strategy, look no further than the Duke Men’s Basketball Program.
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When we first heard that Andre’s autobiography was going to be titled “Open” – we immediately thought about all the great marketing ideas that could be tied into the release. The publisher went with the traditional method of letting excerpts do most of the book marketing, so we’ll take a quick look at what’s been done so far, and then outline some additional ideas we had.
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Behind the curtains here at UT, we’ve been concepting and designing Amanda Beard’s new website. We’ve recently updated her new Twitter background, which you can view @amandaraybeard and we’ve also launched her new splash page which you can view at
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