Team UT is proud to officially announce working with Grand Touring Vodka – on their new digital strategy. We’ll be developing a new official web site, and branded social media channels for GTV.
Ask just about any baseball fan what the crown jewel parks in MLB are, and chances are over 90% will say one or all of the following: Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, Yankee Stadium. These parks are true cathederals of baseball, but unfortunately they aren’t showcased that way online – not even close.
Living in Chicago we started with Wrigley Field by searching on, and were taken to a templated section inside the Cubs website.
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Yesterday more bad news was delivered to the LPGA with the announcement that Lorena Ochoa, the Tour’s best player, would formally retire on Friday. Even with losing event sponsors and top-level players – one marketing channel that still holds a lot of opportunity for the Tour is the main LPGA website.
That opportunity lies in some of the following changes:
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With the Final 4 now set with Duke, West Virginia, Michigan State, and Butler – we took a look at each of their digital strategies and if it was battled out online – it would have to be renamed the Final 1.
The methodology was pretty simple – we checked each of the main athletic dept sites to see what information and links they provided to other channels.
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Continue ReadingWe recently started a Twitter account for Danica (@DanicaRacing) meant to update fans on news and updates from her official site ( Realizing the activation can be much more than just facilitating news we’ve been looking at numerous options to engage fans and integrate Danica’s sponsors. This past weekend though proved Twitter’s reliability is still up in the air.
After the 2008 Summer Olympics CNBC Sports Business reporter Darren Rovell listed the “25 Most Marketable Olympians” and we examined that list to see if they had official sites. Darren’s back with his new Winter Games list, and we rank them based on their online presence.