903andCounting.com was a website developed in conjunction with the Duke Men’s Basketball program, dedicated to tracking Coach K’s historic all-time wins record.
UT started the project by drafting content plans keeping in mind it needed to have more than a 2 week shelf-life and it couldn’t be seen as a “retirement”-type tribute site. The outcome was a site that pays tribute to Coach K, the 903 accomplishment, the players that made it happen, and engaged fans through updated videos and contests that lasted throughout the season.
- The campaign started with a teaser splash in early November highlighting the “How Do You 903?” contest that was broadcast via twitter.
- Once Coach K reached the 902 win mark, we added site callouts to the Blue Planet facebook page and to the main Blue Planet website.
- The night of the historic win, we took the main site live and also posted a page app on the Duke.edu, Blue Planet, and Duke Athletics facebook pages. The site was also referenced with a #903K hashtag on twitter.
- The flagship feature on the site is the incredible “Anatomy of 903″ Infographic, which was sent out to multiple promotional sites to help drive even more traffic.
Truly an honor to be able to help celebrate Coach K’s historic achievement with this site – not many people have the privilege of doing projects for the undisputed greatest basketball coaches of all-time: Coach Wooden and Coach K.