UT NEWS & Updates

Ball State – Social Media Package

Posted by Team UT on August 15th, 2018   #SMSports, Project Profiles, UnCommon News

ballstateTeam UT is proud to be working with Ball State Athletics on a social media package for their 2018-19 season.




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Custom Video Content

Posted by Team UT on October 27th, 2016   Interactive, Project Profiles, Social Media

videoIf your brand is looking for max engagement across social media, then custom video is a must have right now for your content arsenal. Enjoy a few recent sample works from Team UT.

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Dayton Basketball – Social Graphics

daytonbbTeam UT is proud to partner with the Dayton Men’s Basketball program in marketing their brand to recruits through the use of custom social media graphics.

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Danica Patrick | All-Star Fan Vote

Posted by Team UT on May 23rd, 2016   Uncategorized

dp-3Team UT managed a social media strategy for the Sprint Fan Vote resulting in Danica being voted into the NASCAR All-Star Race.

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March Madness – Social Graphics

Posted by Team UT on March 30th, 2016   Uncategorized

AZ-GabePotwUTEasy to produce cool projects when you work with great partners – check out some of our recent designs for our basketball partners during March Madness.




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Arizona Football – Social Graphics

xD1tmuZM_400x400Team UT is proud to partner with the Arizona Football program in marketing their brand to recruits through the use of custom social media graphics.

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