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NFL & Social Media Integration

Posted by Team UT on May 17th, 2012   Interactive, Sports Marketing

Following up our analysis of the NHL and NBA, we close out this series of posts by focusing on the NFL and look at how the league and teams are promoting and integrating social media on their websites.

Similar to our post on the “NHL & Social Media Integration” and “NBA & Social Media Integration” the focus of this study is strictly on the league and team websites: how they promote and integrate social media on the website. All findings are based on research of team sites on May 15-16, 2012.


• No universal icon links.
• Universal “Fans” drop down includes links for Facebook and Twitter (NFL account)
• Account sign in includes Facebook/Twitter option.
• Some internal pages include Like and Share buttons.
• There is just not a lot going on here. When you consider the NFL, above all other leagues, never truly has an off-season, there are limitless activations they should be taking advantage of.

Team Key Findings

Team Activation by Channel:
• Twitter – 30
• Facebook – 30
• Google+ – 14
• Pinterest – 5
• YouTube – 4
• Foursquare – 7
• Flickr – 2
• GetGlue – 1
• Instagram – 1
• Tout – 1
• Tumblr – 1

Teams Promoting the Most Activations:
• 7 – San Diego
• 6 – Carolina
• 5 – Houston , Washington
• 4 – New England, St. Louis, Tennessee

NFL vs. NBA vs. NHL Key Findings

(Reminder these #’s are based only on teams promoting the channel on their website)

Total # of Team Activations:
• 143 – NBA
• 108 – NHL
• 100 – NFL

Average # of Activations Promoted per Team:
• 4.7 – NBA
• 3.6 – NHL
• 3.1 – NFL

% of All Three League Teams on:
• Twitter – 100%
• Facebook – 100%
• Google+ – 43%
• YouTube – 41%
• Pinterest – 23%
• Foursquare – 19%
• Instagram – 18%
• Flickr – 1%
• Linkedin – 1%
• Tumblr – 1%

Best Practices

Overall Creativity & Strategy
In comparison to the NHL and NBA teams, the NFL didn’t showcase the same level of creative thinking when it comes to integrating social media on team sites. There just wasn’t a lot to get excited about, and no team stood out as an overall best example. The social media game really comes down to common sense and manpower, and teams (in all three leagues) really need to be diligent in who they are putting in the charge of interactive and social media responsibilities.

Promote Your Channels
After reviewing all the NHL and NBA team sites, not surprised to see the NFL follow their lead and choose not to promote all of their social media activations on their team sites. From our Pinterest research we know that 22 teams have accounts, yet only 5 teams promoted having the channel on their team site. Another point on promoting channels on your site, there should be at least one place where they are all listed together. Too often across all three league team sites it was like a treasure hunt trying to find all the activations.

Universal Icon Links
NFL teams have done the best job out of the three leagues of integrating universal social media icon links on their websites. They had 25 out of 32, whereas the NHL had 18 out of 30, and the NBA had 14 out of 30. Unfortunately this might be the only thing the NFL teams do better than the NBA and NHL teams on a whole.

Social Media Navigation
Surprised to find not one team integrated a social media-related naming scheme in their main navigation – not good. Some teams did include sub-link naming schemes tied to social media:
• Colts = FanZone |Colts Social Networks
• Eagles = Fans | Social
• Falcons = Fan Experience | Social
• Jets = FanZone | Connect with the Jets
• Lions = News | Social Media
• Packers = Fan Zone | Social Networks
• Patriots = Fan Zone | Social Media

Social Media Hub
We’re going to see in the sports team category very soon that if you don’t have a social media hub on your website, then you are clearly behind the game. Amazingly not one team even attempted to include a hub – not good.

Atlanta Falcons – Depth of Twitter Accounts
• Not a fan of how the Falcons have creatively setup this page, but the depth of their listings is highly impressive. In fact we’re not sure we’ve seen a list this detailed from a team in any of the three leagues we’ve researched. From News, to Front Office, to Players to Cheerleaders they pretty much have all the bases covered. One account we have seen from other teams that we’d recommend the Falcons add is for their Pro Shop.

Arizona Cardinals, Minnesota Vikings – Facebook Cover Downloads
• The Cardinals and Vikings do it the right way by including an actual nav sub-link for their Facebook Cover downloads. Too few teams get it and include these downloads on their site, and when they do – too many times we’ve seen them hidden in a general “Wallpapers” section (ie New Orleans Saints).
• Also of note for other teams, check out how the Vikings have the full image displayed right on the page, much more attractive than having to click-up to see the full version or using text links.

Buffalo Bills – Internal Banner Ads
• It’s a little subtle, but like the way the Bills integrate ads spots for their Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter accounts into the rotation: Top right corner of header on each page, and on pages that have a right side column skyscraper spot. They also include non-SM ads in the rotation, but if you refresh the page you’ll see them, or click here.

Dallas Cowboys – #DCMailbag on Twitter Sponsorship Idea
http://www.dallascowboys.com (middle of page)
• Cowboys get credit for an idea they appear to execute, but we hope other teams will take it to the next level. The idea being: having fans submit questions via hashtag to your team blog/news writer that are then chosen and posted with an answer on your website as an ongoing content piece – with a sponsorship. The Cowboys give the impression they use this model, but we believe most of their questions come via email, and we searched on their hashtag #DCMailbag and found zero results.

Denver Broncos, Indianapolis Colts – Promotion of a Team Personality
• When you have an individual from the front office that is synonymous with the team and essentially is the face of the team or program, then it makes sense to promote them. That is just what Denver and Indianapolis have done with the Twitter accounts for John Elway and Jim Irsay. They both hit you right on the home page (Denver with a top header icon link – Indy with one tweet feed), and also in their Fans section (Denver in the nav drop down, and also with a graphical callout on the main Fans page – Indy with a graphical callout on the top of their “Colts on Twitter” sub-page). Nice job by both teams.

Houston Texans – Social Media as News
• Texans do a good job in this release of showcasing what their rookies did on Twitter shortly after joining the team. What teams and players do on their social media channels is news also, and can easily be put into a content news format that is showcased on your site.

New York Giants – Update Example
• The Giants include a “Giants on Twitter” sub-link in their Fan Zone main section, but when you click on it you go to a page that is dated for the Super Bowl. This example serves as a reminder that you have to monitor and update your promotional content.

San Francisco 49ers – Integration of Tout
• 49ers are the only team from any of the three leagues we’ve looked at that has integrated Tout into their website. They promote their account in the “Media Gallery” section with a feed callout. Then they take it up a level by using it to introduce their 2012 Gold Rush (cheerleading) squad. Great job by the 49ers for giving all the other teams an example of how Tout can be properly utilized.

Washington Redskins – Integration of Twackle and a Sponsor
• Redskins are the only team from any of the three leagues we’ve looked at that has integrated Twackle into their website. We’re not really so much a proponent of the Twackle channel as we are of the carry-through sponsorship example. They used a tabbed callout on the home page to showcase the Twackle feed and include “Sponsored by Audi” branding. They then carry this through to the Twackle channel (only problem is they change the wording up to “Presented by”). As we’ve said before teams should really be monetizing their channels with sponsorships either individually or as a whole package – good example by the Redskins.

Misc Features

Facebook Side Rollover
• We noted nine teams (Atlanta, Miami, NYJ, Oakland, St. Louis, San Francisco, Tampa Bay, Tennessee, Washington) that use a “Like Us On Facebook” left side rollover feature.

• The Eagles were the only team to include promotion of a Instagram account.

• The Eagles were also the only team to include promotion of this channel that facilitates organizing local groups.

• The Chargers were the only team to include promotion of a Tumblr account.

Team Activation Overviews

Atlanta Falcons:
• Includes top header universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Bottom universal footer nav under “Connections” includes links for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
• Home page includes a tabbed module that includes a Twitter feed.
• Under “News” main tab includes a Social Media header with links for: Twitter (Team, their digital content writer, news writer, All Falcons on Twitter), and Facebook.
• Some internal pages include a one Tweet feed, and Facebook feed callout in the right ad column.
• Under “Schedules” main tab includes a Social Media Events header with a link for Facebook Events (links out to event list).
• Connect with the Falcons page that is listed as a sub-link under On the Air and Fan Experience includes: Description and link for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Page also includes a “Social Media” sub-nav button that includes same links as News.
• Under “Fan Experience” main tab includes a header for Social that has links for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
• Falcons on Twitter page includes account listings: News, Front Office, Players, Cheerleaders.

Arizona Cardinals:
• Includes top header universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab include a sub-link for Facebook Covers.
• Fan Zone page includes a Facebook graphical callout, and a Facebook Like callout.

Baltimore Ravens:
• Include bottom footer universal icon links for Twitter and Facebook.
• Some internal pages include Like and Tweet buttons.
• Some internal pages include the Facebook Like callout along the right ad column.
• Some internal pages include a share button.
• Ravenstown page includes a callout to “Become a RavensRep” to help promote the team on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and Linkedin (SocialToaster.com widget).

Buffalo Bills:
• No universal icon links
• Top header rotational graphic ad spot includes: Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, Twitter – but also has non-social media promotions. They also use side skyscraper ads on some internal pages with the same rotation.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Home page includes Twitter feed and Facebook Like callout.
• Home page includes “Stay Connected” callout that has a Facebook graphic link.
• Bottom universal footer under “Get Connected” includes Facebook, Twitter links, and a Players on Twitter link (goes to external Twitter list).
• Under “News” main section tab includes a sub-link for “Twitter Updates” (links out external).
• Under “Fans” main section tab includes sub-links for: Facebook, Twitter; and graphical icon callout for each.

Carolina Panthers:
• They do include universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter, but they are in a different spot on the home page. Home page includes a Social Media header with icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, GetGlue, and Foursquare. On internal pages they only show the F and T icons moved up in the header.
• Home page includes a Featured module and under “Fan Interaction” header includes links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like and Tweet buttons.
• News and Media Vault pages include graphical callouts for Twitter and Facebook.
• Sir Purr page includes a Facebook callout.
• Under “FanZone” main tab includes sub-links for Facebook and Twitter.
• FanZone page includes a graphical callout for Facebook and Twitter.

Chicago Bears:
• Do not include any universal icon links.
• Some internal pages include Like, +1 share buttons.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab include a sub-link for Twitter Pages.
• Fan Zone page includes callouts for Facebook, Twitter (Promotions & Team accounts).
• Twitter Pages link goes to a page that tells you how to Follow, what each account will provide.

Cincinnati Bengals:
• Top header includes universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Home page includes Twitter feed and Facebook Like callout.
• Some internal pages include Like and Tweet buttons.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes sub-links for Bengals on Facebook and Twitter.

Cleveland Browns:
• Includes top header universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Home page includes Twitter feed and Facebook Like callout.
• Bottom universal text link footer includes “Browns on Facebook & Twitter” that links to team accounts.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Fans & Kids” main tab includes sub-links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Fans page includes graphic callout for Twitter and Facebook.

Dallas Cowboys:
• Includes universal text links under “Cowboys Connection” top header for Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
• Includes universal bottom text link for Facebook.
• Home page includes a Facebook Like callout.
• Home page includes modules for #DCMailbag on Twitter, and Cowboys Chatter on Twitter. Because of the page design, many things run together and don’t stand out (most NFL sites are like this though)
• #DCMailbag on Twitter feature is presented by Miller Lite.
• Some internal pages include Facebook Like callout in right ad column.
• Under “Fans” main tab includes sub-links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Facebook page includes Team and Cowboys Lunch Break Facebook Like Callouts (surprised they don’t include the Cheerleaders account here – they do on DallasCowboyCheerleaders.com, but no mention of it throughout the main team site.)
• Twitter page lists 5 account listings and option to view all or individual in a Feed.

Denver Broncos:
• Does not include universal icon links.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Home page includes a top “Get Connected” bar with links for Twitter (Team, John Elway) and Facebook (Team, Cheerleaders).
• Under “News & Blogs” main tab includes a sub link for Twitter.
• Multimedia page includes callout graphics for Facebook and Twitter.
• Under “Fans” main tab includes a sub-link for Facebook, and also a Connect With Us callout with links for Twitter, Facebook, and John Elway Twitter.
• Fans page includes a Twitter feed, Facebook Callout, and a Twitter callout for John Elway and Miles the Mascot.
• Under “Cheerleaders” main tab includes a sub-link for Facebook.
• Cheerleaders page includes a “Get Connected” bar with links for their Facebook and Twitter, and also a Pinterest channel (why is this the only place they showcase a Pinterest icon??).

Detroit Lions:
• Does not include universal icon links.
• Home page includes tabbed module with a Tweets link that shows “The Lions Insider” feed.
• Home page includes Twitter feeds for Lions Insider and Team accounts.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “News” main tab includes a sub-link for Social Media – goes to page with account listings: Facebook (Team, Ford Field), Twitter (Team, Coach Schwartz).
• News and Fan Zone page include: Facebook Like callout, Twitter feeds for the Team and Players, Coaches & More.

Green Bay Packers:
• Do not include any universal icon links.
• Home page includes a row callout icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include a “Join the Packers Online Community” graphical callout that includes Twitter and Facebook icons.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes sub-link for Social Networks – Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Packers Everywhere.
• Packers Everywhere link goes to a virtual site that focuses on connecting fans to watch games together.

Houston Texans:
• Includes universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
• Home page includes let side non-scroll barely visible icons for Facebook, Twitter.
• Home page includes a Facebook Like callout.
• Some internal pages include a callout for “Social Media” along the right ad column.
• Social Networking page includes Twitter and Facebook account listings (weak display).
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include a “Join Our Online Community” graphical callout with icons for Twitter and Facebook.
• Randomly noted an article posted about what their rookies tweeted after joining the team.
• Under “Cheerleader” main tab includes sub-links for Twitter and Facebook.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes sub-links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, but not the Social Media page??

Indianapolis Colts:
• Includes universal top header icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Home page includes Jim Irsay Twitter feed (one tweet).
• Home page includes Facebook Like callout.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include a “Join The Colts Online Community” graphical callout with icons for Twitter and Facebook.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes sub-link for “Colts Social Networks”, and a graphical callout for Facebook and Twitter.
• Fan Zone main page includes graphical callouts for Twitter and Facebook.
• From Colts Social Networks sub-link includes Facebook external link and Twitter link going to an account list page that also includes a one tweet feed.

Jacksonville Jaguars:
• Includes universal top header icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Home page includes a “Jaguars Connect” graphical callout that shows icons for Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, but they aren’t clickable – goes to a page.
• Home page includes a graphical callout for the Roar that shows icons for Facebook and Twitter, but clicks through to their Facebook page. (attention to detail).
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “News” main tab includes a “Jaguars Connect” graphical callout.
• Fan Zone page includes Twitter feed, and graphical callout for Facebook & Twitter.
• Jaguar Connect page includes a module with Facebook account listing (3), Twitter account listing and one tweet feed, and a Foursquare callout.
• Under “Cheerleaders” main tab includes same Roar graphical callout on home page.]

Kansas City Chiefs:
• Does not include universal icon links.
• Includes universal text links for Twitter, Facebook, Google+ under “Hot Topics” row – leads us to believe this could change.
• Home page includes Twitter feed and large Facebook Like callout.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include Twitter feed along right ad column.
• Under “Arrowhead” main tab includes sub-links for @AtArrowhead and @ArrowheadEvents Twitter accounts.
• Under “Cheerleaders” main tab includes sub-link for @ChiefsCheer Twitter account.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes sub-link for @KCWolf Twitter account.

Miami Dolphins:
• Include universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Team page includes a “Dolphins on Twitter” callout (lists 3 players).
• Finatics page includes a “Connect with the Dolphins” callout with links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

Minnesota Vikings:
• Include universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Bottom universal footer nav under “Fans” includes links for Facebook and Twitter.
• News page includes a graphical callout for Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Cheerleaders” main tab includes a sub-link for MVC on Twitter.
• Cheerleaders’ page includes icon links for Twitter and Facebook; and two similar Facebook graphical callouts in different places = overkill.
• Under “Fans” main tab includes a sub-link for Facebook Cover Picks.
• Fans page includes a large Facebook Like/Activity callout.
• Facebook Cover page includes 18 images for download. http://www.vikings.com/fans/facebook-cover-images.html

New England Patriots:
• Include universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.
• Bottom universal footer under “Get Connected” includes links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• New page includes “Join The Online Community” graphic with links for Twitter and Facebook.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes a sub-link for Social Media.
• Fans Zone page includes “Social Networks” callout, and a Facebook Like callout.
• Social Media page includes Twitter and Facebook account listings and a Facebook Like callout.

New Orleans Saints:
• Includes universal icon links in the footer for Facebook and Twitter.
• Fan Zone page includes a Twitter callout.
• Wallpaper page includes Facebook Cover photos (shouldn’t be hidden under Wallpapers).
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Senstaions” main tab include a sub-link for Facebook.

New York Giants:
• Includes universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
• Universal top “Spotlight” bar (very small) includes text links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
• Home page includes a Facebook Like callout.
• Some internal pages include the HP Facebook Like callout in the right ad column.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include a graphical callout for Twitter in the right ad column.
• Several main nav tabs include a graphical callout for Twitter and Facebook in the dropdown.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes a sub-link for Giants on Twitter – goes to a page that allows you to auto-follow Giants players and send out an outdated Tweet about leading up to the Super Bowl.
• Fan Zone page includes callouts for Twitter and Facebook.

New York Jets:
• Includes universal Like and Follow buttons
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Home page includes Facebook and Twitter feeds.
• Home page includes a “Connect with the Jets” graphic with links for Twitter and Facebook.
• Home page includes callout graphics for Facebook and Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Community page includes two graphical callouts for Facebook.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes a sub-link for Connect with the Jets.
• Fan Zone page includes callouts for Twitter and Facebook; feeds for both; and a callout for Connect with the Jets which is related to Twitter listings, but the page would never open each time we tried it.
• Connect with the Jets page duplicated the items from the Fan Zone page.

Oakland Raiders:
• Includes top universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Home page includes a Twitter graphical callout; Facebook & Twitter callouts under “Stay Connected” module; and a Twitter feed.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include the HP Twitter graphical callout along the right ad column.
• Under “Fans” main tab includes sub-links for Facebook and Twitter, and logo callouts for each.
• Fans page includes HP Twitter graphical callout, Facebook Like callout, and callouts for Facebook & Twitter under “Fan Features” module.

Philadelphia Eagles:
• Includes top universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter – also includes +1 button, and Meetup button.
• Home page includes graphical callout for Facebook and Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Fans” main tab includes a sub-link for Social – 16th out of 19 placement.
• Fans page includes graphical callouts for Twitter and Facebook.
• Social page includes: Twitter fee; graphical callout for Facebook; Twitter account listings; links for Google+, Foursquare, and Instagram.

Pittsburgh Steelers:
• Includes top universal icon links for Twitter and Facebook.
• Bottom universal footer includes icon link for Google+.
• Home page includes a Twitter feed (weak display though), and also a graphical callout for Twitter.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Fan Zone page includes a graphical callout for Facebook.
• Steelers Connect page includes icons for Twitter and Facebook.

St. Louis Rams:
• Includes top header universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Home page includes a “Follow the Rams” graphical callout with icons for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+.
• Home page includes a Facebook Like callout and a Twitter feed.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include a Facebook Like callout in the right ad column.
• Fans page includes a “Stay Connected” module with graphical callouts for Facebok, Twitter, and YouTube. Also includes Facebook Like callout and Twitter Feed.
• Cheerleader page includes a Facebook Like callout (Team).

San Diego Chargers:
• Includes top universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Foursquare.
• Bottom universal nav under “Get Social” includes links for: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Google+, YouTube, and Foursquare.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include Twitter feed and Facebook Like callout.
• Under “Charger Girls” main tab includes a sub-link for CG’s on Facebook.
• Fan Zone page includes Twitter graphical callout.

San Francisco 49ers:
• Includes top header universal icon links in “Hot Links” row for Facebook and Twitter
• Includes top header universal ad spot for Twitter graphic (Feel this could change?).
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include a Facebook Like callout in the right ad column.
• Some internal pages include a Twitter feed.
• Media Gallery page includes a callout for Tout.
• Fans Only page includes graphical callouts for Facebook and Twitter; Facebook Like callout; and a “Connect with The Faithful” graphical callout with icon links for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
• Gold Rush page includes a Tout feed.

Seattle Seahawks:
• Includes top header universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Home page includes a huge Facebook Like callout and Twitter feed.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Some internal pages include Facebook Like callout (majority of main section pages).
• Sea Gals page includes a graphical callout for Twitter (their account).

Tampa Bay Buccaneers:
• Includes top header universal icon links for Facebook and Twitter.
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Bucs Fans” main tab includes sub-links for Twitter and Facebook.}
• Bucs Fans page includes a graphical callout for Twitter and Facebook.

Tennessee Titans:
• Includes top universal icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Foursquare.
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Home page includes a Facebook Like callout.
• Home page includes a graphical callout with links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
• Bottom universal footer nav under “Stay Informed” includes links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes a graphical callout for Twitter and Facebook.
• Fan Zone page includes a Facebook Like callout, and links for Twitter and Facebook.
• Under “Cheerleaders” main tab includes a graphical callout for Facebook.

Washington Redskins:
• Do not include universal icon links.
• Includes a universal left side Facebook Like rollover graphic.
• Under bottom universal footer nav “Get Connected” includes links for Twackle and Facebook.
• Home page includes a left side list of icon links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Foursquare – this disappears on internal pages.
• On some internal pages the HP icon list is made horizontal and included on the top of the right ad column.
• Home page includes a graphical callout for Facebook.
• Home page includes a Flickr feed.
• Home page includes a module with tabs for Redskins Twackle feed and Facebook recent activity callout. Twackle feed include sponsorship by Audi.
• Some internal pages include a Facebook Like callout in the right ad column.
• Some internal pages include Like, Send, Tweet, +1 share options.
• Under “Fan Zone” main tab includes a sub-link for Twackle, and callout for Facebook and Twitter.
• Fan Zone page includes callouts for Twitter, Facebook, Twackle; Facebook Like callout, and Twitter feed.
• Twackle page carries through the presented by Audi branding: http://files.redskins.com/twackle/
• Redskins have numerous (5) related virtual sites, one of which “Redskins Powerboard” includes ability to filter in feeds including Twitter.


*For inquiries on how UnCommon Thinking can help improve your team’s social media integration strategy please contact us at info@uncommonthinking.com

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