UT NEWS & Updates

Northwestern Football – Social Media Hub Launch

Posted by Team UT on September 4th, 2012   Project Profiles, Sports Marketing, UnCommon News

Team UT is proud to announce the launch of TheWildcatWay.com for the Northwestern Football Program – the first true online social media hub for any collegiate program.

In reviews we conducted this past Spring of how the individual NHL/NBA/NFL teams are promoting and integrating social media on their websites, we recognized a glaring need for a true social media hub solution that professional and college teams could use to properly showcase all their channels in one location.

Some teams included feeds in various spots throughout their site, some included a directory of icon links, others promoted “Hub” sections but nothing we saw could be considered a true best practice model taking into consideration content, design and sponsorship.

That changes with this first phase solution for the Northwestern Football Program. The Wildcats’ hub includes:

  • Integration of all the program’s active channels in one location.
  • A unique design that showcases the program in an exciting way.
  • Downloads package for fans to showcase on their own channels.
  • Complimentary content that provides value to the overall experience.
  • Integration of sponsors partners.





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